Bassendean Settlements & Electronic Conveyancing.
Landgate has mandated electronic conveyancing, or e-Conveyancing as it is known, in Western Australia as from 1st December 2018.
It involves the online preparation and lodgement of property title documents and the disbursement of funds.
The main driving forces for this change of process is a desire to push faster transactions, greater certainty, ease of settlement
and the peace of mind experienced by both parties. What is e-Conveyancing?
e-Conveyancing aims to minimise the manual processes and paperwork associated with property settlement by enabling conveyancers,
lawyers and financial institutions to transact together online. Property Exchange Australia (PEXA).
PEXA is a purpose built system that supports the exchange of property through the ability to perform lodgements and property settlements online. PEXA will allow all of the following to occur in an electronic environment:
In summary, PEXA features a secure online platform that allows property transactions to be completed quickly and easily.
It is expected that there will be fewer chances of errors and delays in transactions
if all the settlements are done electronically.
The introduction of electronic conveyancing in Australia is the biggest industry reform for the property sector since the introduction of the Torrens Title system.
It enables the lodgement of documents and complete financial settlements electronically. Ideally, conveyancing becomes paperless.
e-Conveyancing also aims to reduce the risk of errors and delays, giving conveyancers and their clients greater certainty of successful, on-time settlement.
Note that PEXA does not replace Landgate; instead its task is to provide an electronic workspace within which participants can interact with Landgate and
each other in order to complete property transactions.
The client will be required to sign a client authorisation form at the start of the transaction
which can be for a single transaction, a batch of transactions or an indefinite general authority.
Settlement monies can be disbursed to the client account from PEXA immediately at settlement.